The Co programming language

Co is a simple programming language developed as a hobby. Co programs can be compiled to native executables and WebAssembly modules, or run directly through its JIT compiler.


The language looks similar to Python and Go. Its formal grammar uses semicolons to terminate expressions and curly braces to delimit scope along with a set of rules for automatic semicolon insertion and curly-braces "push and pop".

The following are equivalent:

type Spaceship
  shields u8 = 10
    fuel   u64 = 1000
    output int = int(fuel / 2)

B = Spaceship()

fun main() int
  B.engine.output // => 500
type Spaceship {
  shields u8 = 10;
  engine {
    fuel   u64 = 1000;
    output int = int(fuel / 2);
B = Spaceship();
fun main() int {
  s = "thi\ng"
  B.engine.output; // => 500

Semicolons can be omitted using the following two rules:

  1. When the input is broken into tokens, a semicolon is automatically inserted into the token stream immediately after a line's final token if that token is

  2. To allow complex statements to occupy a single line, a semicolon may be omitted before a closing ) or }.

Curly braces can be omitted using the following two rules:

  1. After a line break where an automatic semicolon would be inserted, if the indentation of the following line is greater than the preceding line then a opening curly brace { is automatically inserted into the token stream. The automatic block is recorded on a stack.

  2. After a line break where an automatic semicolon would be inserted, if the indentation of the following line is less than the preceding line and the the preceding line is subject to rule 1, then a closing curly brace } is automatically inserted into the token stream for each recorded "automatic" block on a stack.


Variables serve as both names for values and storage locations for mutable data. Defining a variable is done in one of two ways: automatically if undefined when assigned or explicitly with a keyword.

x = 1       // defines a new variable x
x = 2       // assigns to x (since it is defined)
var x = 3   // defines a new variable x, shadows previous
var z int   // defines variable z with explicit type and 0 value
const y = 4 // defines constant y
y = 7       // error: cannot assign to constant y

Ideally-typed literals

Literal numbers in Co are ideally typed, meaning an expession like 4 is not of a particular type of number until it is used.

4                // numeric literal of "ideal" type
const x = 4      // type: ideal
const y int = 4  // type: int
const z = y      // type: int
a = 128          // type: ideal (automatic constant)
var v i8         // defines a variable of type i8
v = x            // x is interpreted as an i8 literal
v = a            // error: constant 128 overflows i8

Automatic constants

Variables in Co are optimistically constant, meaning that if a variable is never stored to, it is treated as defined immutable with the const keyword.

fun main(v int) int
  const a [int 3] = [1, 2, 3]
  var b [int 3] = [10, 20, 30]
  var c [int 3] = [100, 200, 300]
  b[1] = v  // b promoted to mutable
  a[1] + b[1] + c[1]

In the above example a and c are constants; c is demoted to const as it is never written to, while b is promoted to mut since we store to it. The difference is mainly in the generated code: Co is able to generate less and more efficient code this way. Only stack memory for b is allocated in the above example. Access to a and c are resolved at compile time.

x86_64 code generated without optimizations:

  ; initialize data for variable b on stack
  movl  $30, -4(%rsp)
  movl  $20, -8(%rsp)
  movl  $10, -12(%rsp)
  movl  %edi, -8(%rsp)    ; b[1] = v
  movl  l_a+4(%rip), %eax ; r1 = a[1]
  movl  -8(%rsp), %ecx    ; r2 = b[1]
  addl  l_c+4(%rip), %ecx ; r2 = c[1] + r2
  addl  %ecx, %eax        ; r1 = r2 + r1
l_a: ; constant data of variable a
  .long 1
  .long 2
  .long 3
l_c: ; constant data of variable c
  .long 100
  .long 200
  .long 300

x86_64 code generated with optimizations:

  leal  202(%rdi), %eax ; add 202 to arg1


An array is a fixed-length sequence of data in one contiguous memory segment. The length of an Array may be known at compile time.

Some examples:

var a [u8 10]                // array of 10 bytes, all 0
var b [i64 3] = [10, 20, 30] // 3 64-bit integers
c = [i64(10), 20, 30]        // type inferred to [i64 3]
d = [10, 20, 30]             // type inferred to [int 3]
e = d                        // copy of d. Type [int 3]
const f = &d                 // immutable ref to d. Type &[int 3]
g = &d                       // mutable ref to d. Type mut&[int 3]
h = d[:2]                    // copy of slice of d. Type [int 2]
const i = &d[:2]             // immutable ref to slice of d
k = &d[1:]                   // mutable ref to slice of d
k[1] = e[0]                  // modify 2nd element of d
d.len                        // 3
k.len                        // 2

// still undecided: array types with runtime-varying length
// Alt A:
var s1 [int] = d      // copy of d with length
var s2 &[int] = d     // immutable ref to d with length
var s3 mut&[int] = d  // mutable ref to d with length

// Alt B:
var s1 [int] = d      // immutable ref to d with length
var s2 mut[int] = d   // mutable ref to d with length


// Unicode character classes
newline        = /* the Unicode code point U+000A */
unicode_char   = /* an arbitrary Unicode code point except newline */
unicode_letter = /* a Unicode code point classified as "Letter" */
unicode_digit  = /* a code point classified as "Number, decimal digit" */

// Letters and digits
letter        = unicode_letter | "_" | "$"
decimal_digit = "0" ... "9"
octal_digit   = "0" ... "7"
hex_digit     = "0" ... "9" | "A" ... "F" | "a" ... "f"

// Keywords
as      continue   enum   import   switch
break   default    for    mut      type
case    defer      fun    return   var
const   else       if     struct

// Operators, delimiters, and other special tokens
+    &     +=    &=     &&    ==    !=    (    )
-    |     -=    |=     ||    <     <=    [    ]
*    ^     *=    ^=     <-    >     >=    {    }
/    <<    /=    <<=    ->    =     :=    ,    ;
%    >>    %=    >>=    ++    !     ...   .    :
&^         &^=          --          ..

list_sep = "," | ";"

comment = line_comment | block_comment
  line_comment  = "//" /* anything except newline */ newline
  block_comment = "/*" /* anything except the terminator: */ "*/"

TranslationUnit = Statement ( ";" Statement )* ";"*
Statement       = Import | Expr
Import          = "import" str_lit

Expr = Identifier
     | Literal
     | TypeExpr
     | PrefixExpr
     | InfixExpr
     | SuffixExpr

TypeExpr   = NamedType | FunType
Identifier = letter (letter | unicode_digit | "-")*

Literal = bool_lit | nil_lit | num_lit | array_lit
  bool_lit = "true" | "false"
  nil_lit  = "nil"
  num_lit  = int_lit | float_lit
    int_lit = dec_lit | hex_lit | oct_lit | bin_lit
      dec_lit = decimal_digit+
      hex_lit = "0" ( "x" | "X" ) hex_digit+
      oct_lit = "0" ( "o" | "O")  octal_digit+
      bin_lit = "0" ( "b" | "B" ) ( "0" | "1" )+
    float_lit = decimals "." [ decimals ] [ exponent ]
              | decimals exponent
              | "." decimals [ exponent ]
      decimals = decimal_digit+
      exponent = ( "e" | "E" ) [ "+" | "-" ] decimals
  array_lit = "[" [ Expr (list_sep Expr)* list_sep? ] "]"

PrefixExpr = if | prefix_op | const_def | var_def | type_def | fun_def
           | tuple | group | block
  if = "if" condExpr thenExpr [ "else" elseExpr ]
    condExpr = Expr
    thenExpr = Expr
    elseExpr = Expr
  prefix_op = prefix_operator Expr
    prefix_operator = "!" | "+" | "-" | "~" | "&" | "++" | "--"
  const_def = "const" Identifier Type? "=" Expr
  var_def   = "var" Identifier ( Type | Type? "=" Expr )
  type_def  = "type" Identifier Type
  fun_def   = "fun" Identifier? ( params Type? | params? )
    params = "(" [ (param list_sep)* paramt list_sep? ] ")"
      param  = Identifier Type?
      paramt = Identifier Type
  tuple = "(" Expr ("," Expr)+ ","? ")"
  group = "(" Expr ")"
  block = "{" Expr (";" Expr)+ ";"? "}"

InfixExpr = Expr ( binary_op | selector )
  binary_op = binary_operator Expr
  binary_operator = arith_op | bit_op | cmp_op | logic_op | assign_op
    arith_op  = "+"  | "-"  | "*" | "/" | "%"
    bit_op    = "<<" | ">>" | "&" | "|" | "~" | "^"
    cmp_op    = "==" | "!=" | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">="
    logic_op  = "&&" | "||"
    assign_op = "="  | "+=" | "-=" | "*=" | "/=" | "%="
              | "<<=" | ">>=" | "&=" | "|=" | "~=" | "^="
  selector = Expr "." Identifier

SuffixExpr = Expr ( index | call | suffix_op | suffix_typecast )
  index           = "[" Expr "]"
  suffix_op       = "++" | "--"
  suffix_typecast = "as" Type
  call = Expr "(" args ")"
    args = positionalArgs* namedArgs* list_sep?
      positionalArgs = positionalArg (list_sep positionalArg)*
      namedArgs      = namedArg (list_sep namedArg)*
      namedArg       = Identifier "=" Expr
      positionalArg  = Expr

Type = NamedType
     | RefType
     | TupleType
     | ArrayType
     | StructType
     | FunType

NamedType = Identifier  // e.g. "int", "u32", "MyType"
RefType   = "mut"? "&" Type
TupleType = "(" Type ("," Type)+ ","? ")"
ArrayType = "[" Type size? "]"
  size = Expr?
StructType = "{" [ field ( ";" field )* ";"? ] "}"
  field = ( Identifier Type | NamedType ) ( "=" Expr )?
FunType = "fun" ( ftparams Type? | ftparams? )
  ftparams = params
           | "(" [ Type (list_sep Type)* list_sep? ] ")"

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